International conference in George Town 2024

Date Name Venue
25-01-2025 International Conference on Urology ICOU George Town, Malaysia
25-01-2025 International Conference on Diabetes, Metabolic Disorders and Secondary Diabetes ICDMDSD George Town, Malaysia
25-01-2025 International conference on Mathematical Methods and Models in Biosciences ICMMMB George Town, Malaysia
25-01-2025 International Conference on Educational Statistics ICEDUS George Town, Malaysia
27-01-2025 International Conference on Atomic Physics, Systems and Applications ICAPSA George Town, Malaysia
27-01-2025 International Conference on Thermal Physics, Energy and Entropy ICTPEE George Town, Malaysia
27-01-2025 International Conference on Media, Communication & Film ICMCF George Town, Malaysia
27-01-2025 International Conference on African Swine Fever and Transmission Studies ICASFTS George Town, Malaysia
27-01-2025 International Conference on African Studies and Global Africa ICASGAF George Town, Malaysia
28-01-2025 International Conference on Philosophy of History ICPH George Town, Malaysia
28-01-2025 International Conference on Interdisciplinary Humanities and Communication Studies ICIHCS George Town, Malaysia
28-01-2025 International Conference on Human Support Technologies and Human Machine Interaction ICHSTHMI George Town, Malaysia
28-01-2025 International Conference on Philosophy of Language ICPL George Town, Malaysia
29-01-2025 International Conference on Educational and Instructional Technology ICEIT George Town, Malaysia
29-01-2025 International Conference on Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics ICDMC George Town, Malaysia
29-01-2025 International Conference on Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics ICDMC George Town, Malaysia
30-01-2025 International Conference on Skin Cancer and Dermatology ICSCAD George Town, Malaysia
30-01-2025 International Conference on Environment and Life Science ICELS George Town, Malaysia
30-01-2025 International Conference on Pediatric Dermatology and Diabetes Management ICPDDM George Town, Malaysia
31-01-2025 International Summit on Acupuncture & Traditional Medicine ISATM George Town, Malaysia
31-01-2025 International Conference on Medical Health and Science ICOMHS George Town, Malaysia
31-01-2025 International Conference on Marine Resources Conservation and Human-Caused Damage ICMRCHCD George Town, Malaysia
31-01-2025 International Conference on Nutritional Management of Gastrointestinal Disease ICNMGS George Town, Malaysia
01-02-2025 International Conference on Dependable Computing, Fault Tolerance and Information Technology ICDCFTITEC George Town, Malaysia
01-02-2025 International Conference on Engineering & Technology ICET George Town, Malaysia
01-02-2025 International Conference on Psychiatry and Mental Health Disorders ICPMHD George Town, Malaysia
01-02-2025 International Conference on Paediatric Psychiatry and Mental Health ICPPMH George Town, Malaysia
03-02-2025 International Conference on Recent Tends in Film Studies ICRTFS George Town, Malaysia
03-02-2025 International Conference on Media and Film Studies ICMFS George Town, Malaysia
03-02-2025 International Conference on Environment Science and Engineering ICESE George Town, Malaysia
03-02-2025 International Conference on Mechanical, Robotics and Aerospace Engineering ICMRAE George Town, Malaysia
04-02-2025 International Conference on Social Work, Education and Social Development ICSWESD George Town, Malaysia
04-02-2025 International Conference on Economics, Statistics and Mathematics ICESM George Town, Malaysia
04-02-2025 International Conference on Applied Mathematics ICAM George Town, Malaysia
04-02-2025 International Conference on Recent Advances in Economics, Finance and Statistics ICRAEFS George Town, Malaysia
04-02-2025 International Conference on Workplace Law and Social Welfare Policy ICWLSWP George Town, Malaysia
04-02-2025 International Conference on Educational Statistics ICEDUS George Town, Malaysia
05-02-2025 International Conference on Vision Science, Physiology and Neurology ICVSPN George Town, Malaysia
05-02-2025 International Conference on Neurology and Brain Disorders ICNBD George Town, Malaysia
06-02-2025 International Conference on Broadcast Engineering and Communication Studies ICBECS George Town, Malaysia
06-02-2025 International Conference on Hydrology, Ocean and Atmosphere ICHOA George Town, Malaysia
06-02-2025 International Conference on European Law and Asylum ICELA George Town, Malaysia
06-02-2025 International confernce on ocean science and Medicine ICOSAME George Town, Malaysia
07-02-2025 International Conference on English Applied Linguistics and Foreign Language Teaching ICEALFLT George Town, Malaysia
07-02-2025 International Conference on Language Endangerment: Methodologies and Challenges ICLEMC George Town, Malaysia
07-02-2025 International Conference on Dynamic Mechanical Analysis and Applications ICDMAA George Town, Malaysia
07-02-2025 International Conference on Learning and Administration in Higher Education ICLAHE George Town, Malaysia
07-02-2025 International Conference on Marine Technology ICMT George Town, Malaysia
07-02-2025 International Conference on Information Technology for Higher Education ICITHE George Town, Malaysia